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기타 학술 관련 경력
- International Continence Society 정회원
- 대한 남성과학회 정회원
- 대한 배뇨장애요실금학회 정회원
- 대한 소아비뇨의학회 정회원
- 대한 요로생식기감염학회 정회원
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- 대한비뇨의학과학회 정회원
- 쥐에서 염산으로 유발한 간질성방광염/방광통증후군에 대한 펜토산폴리설페이트와 타다라필 병용투여 후 조직학적 변화. 한양대학교. 2022-02.
- Ambulatory second look percutaneous nephrolithotripsy with maturated nephrostomy tract . Int J Braz Urol. 2020.
- Preventive Effect of Lactobacillus Fermentation Extract on Inflammation and Cytokine Production in Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Cystitis in Mice . 대한요로감염학회지. 2018.
- Role of bowel suspension technique to prevent early intestinal obstruction after radical cystectomy with ileal orthotopic neobladder: A retrospective cohort study . Int J Surg. 2018.
- Alpha-oxoglutarate inhibits the proliferation of immortalized normal bladder epithelial cells via an epigenetic switch involving ARID1A . Scientific Reports . 2018.
- Efficacy and Safety of Propiverine Chloride Flexible Dose in Female Mixed Urinary Incontinence Patients. Journal of women’s health care . 2017.
- Febrile Urinary Tract Infection after Radical Cystectomy and Ileal Neobladder in Patients with Bladder Cancer . J Korean Med Sci . 2016.
- Cluster analysis identifies three urodynamic patterns in patients with orthotopic neobladder reconstruction . Plos One . 2016.
- Risk Factors for Developing Metabolic Acidosis after Radical Cystectomy and Ileal Neobladder . Plos One . 2016.
- Effect of Tamsulosin in Lower Urinary Tract Symptom Patients with Metabolic Syndrome . Urology. 2014.
- Body Image Following Radical Cystectomy and Ileal Neobladder or Conduit in Korean . 대한비뇨기과학회지 . 2014.
- Effect of Stress on the Expression of Rho-Kinase and Collagen in Rat Bladder Tissue . 대한비뇨기과학회지. 2010.
- Correlations of Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome with Female Sexual Activity . 대한비뇨기과학회지. 2010.
- 음경배부신경절제술의 합병증으로 발생한 음경해면체류. 대한남성과학회지. 2010.
- 여성 하부 요로 증상과 외음부 진동감각 역치의 상관관계 . 이화의대지 . 2009.
- 야간뇨 환자에서 cyclooxygenase-2 억제제의 임상적 효과 . 대한배뇨장애요실금학회지. 2009.